Today we played another 54 holes in a couple more cities. That puts us at 108, which seems crazy. We're staying in a Super 8 in Davenport, IA tonight and hoping it doesn't rain tomorrow. We have to check out of here by 11am, which kind of sucks, because we were planning on sleeping in if it rains. So... hopefully it doesn't rain.
Douglas Park in Springfield, IL was our first today. It was short and pretty easy. There were also a few homeless people hanging around, which was kind of depressing.
Second was Lincoln Park, also in Springfield. This one was fun and a lot longer. I beat Justin there, which is a nice change.... Then we went to Dick's Sporting Goods in Springfield and we bought new discs to fill the spaces we felt we were lacking.
The final course for today was in Peoria, IL. It was Bradley Park, and the front 9 kind of killed us. The pack 9, however, was great fun. I had some really amazing throws on that stretch, including what was almost a skip-in ace, but I also have nothing to show for it given the fact that Justin kept up on most of those holes.
Tally after today:
Justin: 376
Grant: 395
I've more or less accepted the fact that I'm going to lose.
Also, these giant Cheetos are what the name implies.

Later, dudes.