Today was not your typical Monday.
- Skipped Power Systems to study for Linear Systems quiz, which could've gone better....
- Skipped Electronic and Photonic Devices to study for Linear Systems lab midterm, which went okay....
- Thought Art Appreciation was canceled, but got a text from Joey 5 minutes before it started, asking if I was going to show up. I was about to do my Power Systems homework with some friends, but I guess that will wait until tomorrow now.
- Art Appreciation teacher told about how he used to be a marine sniper and has 84 confirmed kills, and also how a little girl's foot came off in his hand once. (You can ask about that one.)
- Listened to Death Cab and shivered a little on my balcony for a while because it felt good.
Last, but not least... I still haven't had my hairs cut.

Later, dudes.