Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The junk in my pockets.

I was reading stuff on my trusty Google Reader a little while ago, when I saw this Lifehacker article with a link to this Instructable, which I'll probably do sometime.

But on the the Lifehacker article, I saw links to some show and tell albums where people showed what they carry in their pockets or their "go bags".

Then I decided to empty my pockets and take a picture of the stuff in them, and decided that this was the obvious place to put it.

The only problem is that I don't have a digital camera readily available right now, other than the one on my iPhone, which I won't be using because that would leave it out of the picture. My friend, Dan, is on his way over, so I'll find my camera and finish this later.

If a large (or any) number of people read this blog, I'd feel like a big jerk posting this without the whole reason for its creation. But fortunately for me, that isn't an issue.

Wait for the update....



So here's the list:
1. Black, 8GB, iPhone 3G
2. Orange Tic Tacs
3. Wallet
4. Cheap Gerber knife from Walmart
5. Keys and stuff. Actually on my belt loop, but close enough.