Monday, April 13, 2009

Things I would rather do than sit in photonics class.

In no particular order.

1. Edit SAP13.
2. Go to Canada.
3. Look for a place to live next semester.
4. Watch Nitro Circus.
5. Listen to the new music I downloaded today.
6. Drink a chocolate milkshake.
7. Eat waffles.
8. Play disc golf.
9. Try to teach my iPhone that people are much more likely to say
"golf" in emails and text massages than "gold".
10. Solder new earbuds onto my iPhone headphone cable.

Ten's a good number. Later, dudes.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Disc golf roundup.

I guess I forgot about this. Sorry for anyone who may have been following the trip.

Here are some final numbers for you:

Number of holes played: 216*
Total number of throws: 1550 (Justin: 759 Grant: 791)
Average throws per hole: Justin: 3.67 Grant: 3.82

To put it into perspective, the average difference between our scores per hole comes out to be 0.147. That's mainly just to say that even with a difference of 32 throws, we're pretty much even.

So that's about it. The trip was awesome, and I'm glad we got to go on it. I feel like I've improved a pretty decent amount because of it, and that showed yesterday when I hit the pin on my drive on hole 14 at Water Works in KC. :P

Shameless plug time: Something Awesome Podcast (It still exists.)

*Justin had to leave after 9 holes back at the SBU course last Sunday, but I played another 9 after that with Brookens, to get me up to 225.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Day three.

Today would have been awesome, but it rained. At least we got 9 holes in at Eastern Avenue Park in Davenport. It's disappointing because it seemed like a great course. More importantly, though, is the fact that after those 9 holes, I was winning by one throw. Just saying.

So we saw I Love You, Man. It was a very funny. We were wondering why it was rated R, so we figured it was either because of boobs or the F-bomb. It was the latter. Because the first one happened so close to the beginning of the movie, I decided to count them. 56 F-bombs. I'm not complaining because I don't mind it at all, but I thought it was kind of funny.

After the movie, we got some food and drove across the state to Indianola, where we are now. We had a little trouble finding my aunt and uncle's house, but we got here. Now we're chilling out in their basement, hoping the weather is nice here tomorrow. At least one of the courses near here is supposed to be awesome, so we're looking forward to it.

Oh, I also ate at Chick-fil-a twice today. Yes!

Later, dudes.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Day two.

Today we played another 54 holes in a couple more cities. That puts us at 108, which seems crazy. We're staying in a Super 8 in Davenport, IA tonight and hoping it doesn't rain tomorrow. We have to check out of here by 11am, which kind of sucks, because we were planning on sleeping in if it rains. So... hopefully it doesn't rain.

Douglas Park in Springfield, IL was our first today. It was short and pretty easy. There were also a few homeless people hanging around, which was kind of depressing.

Second was Lincoln Park, also in Springfield. This one was fun and a lot longer. I beat Justin there, which is a nice change.... Then we went to Dick's Sporting Goods in Springfield and we bought new discs to fill the spaces we felt we were lacking.

The final course for today was in Peoria, IL. It was Bradley Park, and the front 9 kind of killed us. The pack 9, however, was great fun. I had some really amazing throws on that stretch, including what was almost a skip-in ace, but I also have nothing to show for it given the fact that Justin kept up on most of those holes.

Tally after today:
Justin: 376
Grant: 395

I've more or less accepted the fact that I'm going to lose.

Also, these giant Cheetos are what the name implies.

Later, dudes.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Day one.

First day of the disc golf tour is over, and it went pretty well. We woke up a little later than planned, but we played 18 in Bolivar to kick things off, then we headed to St. Louis. We played at Creve Coeur Lake Park (which I misspelled on Twitter) first. It was a pretty long course, but it was good fun, and we played decently.

Then we went over to Endicott Park, which was mostly just frustrating. Justin hit about a hundred trees, but I somehow managed to thread some needles over and over again. If it weren't for my deperessing quadruple bogie on the 12th hole, I would've won the course by 3. Meh.

Now we're in Springfield, IL, at a Motel 6 being lazy. I'm hoping my shoulder isn't too sore in the morning, and also that the weather will be as great as it was today. We're not sure where we'll play tomorrow, but the choices in Springfield are Douglas Park and Lincoln Park. We'll also head north to Peoria and play one of theirs on the way up to Davenport, IA, where we're sleeping tomorrow.

After one day, here are our total throws on 54 holes:
Justin: 195
Grant: 208

Frick, that seems like a big gap. Guess I should work on closing it tomorrow.

Later, dudes.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Justin has limited glasses.

At least as far as clean ones are concerned. So this is what I'm drinking from.

Here's another, because I don't have much to say except that I'm ready for next week's Ultimate Disc Golf Tour.

Later, dudes.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A little disc golf update.

Today was a great day for iPhone users, but I'm not talking about that.

Here's a screenshot of the potential courses I've marked for the disc golf tour:

Plus the one down in Bolivar at SBU, which will probably both open and close the tour.

Three states, five days. It kicks off on Sunday. Let's hope I don't hate this game by the time spring break is over.

Later, dudes.

Monday, March 16, 2009

This is the week before spring break.

Therefore, this is me in class. I pretty much look this way in class regardless of the week, though.

Oh, and I just found out that my grade on my Linear Systems 2 test from two Fridays ago was the lowest in the class. I'm pretty sure that's never happened to me before. What an achievement.

Guess I'll pay attention now. Later, dudes.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

I like animated gifs.

At least on occasion.

I just made this one. The pictures were accidentally so similar that I couldn't not animate it, just like this one of me and Matt.

That's about all I've got. Later, dudes.

Friday, March 13, 2009

This is home.

Today I set my drums up again. The configuration is different than it was last time, but it's similar to the way it was back in high school when I played in that band with my friends. The hardware is old, and a lot of it is falling apart, but these things are at least a thousand times more fun than the Rock Band drums I've become accustomed to.

I already put this on Twitter, but here's a picture. I think my little China cymbal stuck up in the air is kind of funny.

Good stuff. Tonight I'm going to go hang out with those friends I mentioned earlier.

Later, dudes.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Spring recess has begun.

I just spent like 2 hours trying to get iChat and AIM to play nice with video. They still don't get along. If you've fixed this issue, please please please tell me how you did it on Twitter, or send me an email.

This is how Justin and I look after giving up. He gave up several hours ago, though, and has been playing WoW since then.

So anyway, I followed that guy on Twitter that I was told to on Jimmy Fallon's show. Pretty crazy how many followers he got in one day. He said he had 7 when they talked to him on the show, and as of right now he has 18,732. Fricking big boost.

I'm off to Lee's Summit tomorrow.

Later, dudes.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My pants got soaked.

So I took them off, and now they're in the dryer. As you can see, I'm okay with that.

I've studied a lot today, and I feel like with a little more tonight, I'll do okay on my test tomorrow. Then I can get the eff out of here and go home.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Studying makes me crazy.

I think I'll stop and eat dinner. Ignore the fact that it's after 11pm.

This is the picture I came up with, but that pencil isn't really going to be my meal.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I finally got a haircut.

So I felt like I should put up a picture, since I put up two or three complaining about my hair being too long. Here it is:


Last night I watched Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist again, and I still loved it. Great movie. Watch it.

I should get on this disc golf road trip thing that my friend, Justin, and I are planning. It goes down in a couple of weeks, and we have a rough estimate of what we want to do. Here's an approximate route. I'll probably post a ton of pictures and things like that during that trip.

Considering I have very little money at the moment, Matt and I are thinking about Skyping me over to Bolivar for the next episode of SAP. We'll see how well that works out.

Last but not least, a video by Kate Micucci, that awkwardly cute ukulele player that's been on a few episodes of Scrubs. Somebody reminded me of this last night, so I might as well throw it in here.

Later, dudes.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Probably something.

That title doesn't really make sense, does it? Meh.

Today was not your typical Monday.
  1. Skipped Power Systems to study for Linear Systems quiz, which could've gone better....
  2. Skipped Electronic and Photonic Devices to study for Linear Systems lab midterm, which went okay....
  3. Thought Art Appreciation was canceled, but got a text from Joey 5 minutes before it started, asking if I was going to show up. I was about to do my Power Systems homework with some friends, but I guess that will wait until tomorrow now.
  4. Art Appreciation teacher told about how he used to be a marine sniper and has 84 confirmed kills, and also how a little girl's foot came off in his hand once. (You can ask about that one.)
  5. Listened to Death Cab and shivered a little on my balcony for a while because it felt good.
Now I'm having some rooibos and waiting for Lee to get home so we can watch the usual Monday night TV shows.

Last, but not least... I still haven't had my hairs cut.

Later, dudes.

Crappy stuff today.

Linear Systems 2 quiz in about an hour, and Linear Systems 2 lab midterm at 3. At least my art class is canceled.

As for now, I'm studying for that quiz.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Some ukulele.

I had fun.

We Will Become Silhouettes. Ripped of the Shins, who covered the Postal Service. But you already know that.

Later, dudes.

Think my blog is boring?

That's probably because it is.

Want to fix that? Click on this:


Better, huh? If not, click it again. Or as many times as you want. You know you want to.

Thank you for that, Tekzilla.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Things I did today.

1. Woke up.

2. Surfed the internets in bed.
3. Drove to Burger King for cini-minis and Coca-Cola.
4. Surfed the internets at my desk.
5. Talked to people via IM.
6. Repeated step 4.
7. Watched a couple old Diggnations (Up to episode 75).
8. Started watching Arrested Development from the beginning again.
9. Bought some things I had run out of at Walmart.

That's really about it.

Be on the lookout for an unusual SAP... sometime.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Mondays kind of suck.

This particular one put me out of it.

So yeah. I'm tired. But I don't have class tomorrow, so suck it.

Also, I'm watching Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist, and it's still awesome. I love this song that comes up throughout the movie, too. Have a listen. Just don't pay attention to the dude in that video, who I originally thought was a less-than-attractive girl.

Later, dudes.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

I want chicken fries.

That is all.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

There's a career fair tomorrow.

I'm not really nervous about it at all, unlike last semester. There are a few companies I'm looking forward to talking to, but I don't know what to expect from them. One has already more or less offered me a co-op (at least supposedly) for next semester. I'd rather not delay my graduation until forever, but experience is necessary, and money would be nice. But who wouldn't at least get an interview looking like this?

Someone with a 2.8 GPA? Maybe. We'll find out tomorrow.

Bonus: Here's Lee and Joey making LT's. Nathan is also there trying one for the first time.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

I should probably take care of this.

There's a career fair on Tuesday, and I'd like to get an internship. I've also been saying I needed a haircut for about 2 weeks now. If only that super hot hair stylist who cut my hair last time worked in Rolla instead of Bolivar....

My sister is talented.

It's sad, but tonight was the first time I saw my sister perform in a high school event ever. She's a senior, and she's been in orchestra, choir, plays, and musicals pretty much the last 4 years. She also came to just about every band, drumline, orchestra, and choir concert I was ever in when I was in high school. I guess I'm a terrible brother.

And now I'm trying to fix my old Dell Inspiron laptop that I've wanted to sell since November. Everything is fine except for this lame copyright error that comes up whenever I try to play a DVD. Never happened to me when I owned the thing, even though I installed Windows on it at least 5 different times. If you have any insight on this, hit me up on Twitter.

I hope people who had reasons to celebrate Valentine's Day had a good one.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Some raw uke video.

I recorded this video of myself stumbling through a song on ukulele a little bit ago, then decided there wasn't really any reason to edit it before uploading it for the world to see, so here it is. Flight of the Conchords, "A Kiss Is Not a Contract". This song is hilarious.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

That was awkward.

My roommate, Lee, and I are chillaxin' in our living room, watching Arrested Development (season 3, episode 6, The Ocean Walker). A few minutes ago, the front door opened, and we thought it might have been our friend, Joey. Then this dude came in, looked at us all confused, and said, "Oh crap. Sorry guys. Wrong apartment." Then he left. That's pretty much it. Except he did see that we have an awesome TV, so hopefully he doesn't come back with some goons and steal it.

That would suck.

It's cold again.

And that kind of sucks when your ears stick out as much as mine do.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I'm one of those people...

...who starts blogs by saying they haven't written blogs in a long time.

I still think this is funny.

I've been bored today, so I talked to my iSight a little. Here's the outcome:

I am thankful for having something to do this afternoon, though I felt kind of stupid afterward. Oh, and the same "this won't take too long to produce" video mindset happened with this one. You can probably guess how that turned out.

I also chose a somewhat random blogger template because I'm neither creative nor motivated enough to make my own.

Shameless plug.

Don't forget to watch Scrubs tonight. It's the best show ever.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Mahalo answers.

I've been looking around on Mahalo Answers today because Jason Calacanis said something about it on Twitter, and gave people M$5 for joining. That more or less equals $3.75 for me, assuming I ever get the minimum of M$40 necessary actually get paid. They give out $0.75 for every M$1 you have, which isn't bad, considering you get money from other people who decide to offer a tip for answering their question.

From what I can tell, this is significantly better than Yahoo! Answers. From my experience, the people on Yahoo! Answers come off as being somewhat uneducated a lot of the time, and I'm not even referring to the whole "How is babby formed?" incident. By the way, I would love to make my Mac's voice notifier or whatever talk like those cavemen. I like Alex and all, but that would be hilarious.